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October 2013


Dear Dr. Lee, Pastor/Elders and all Saints at Grace Church,


By God’s grace, we finished the first semester last week and already begin the second semester from Sept. 23

rd. We are so grateful and thankful to our good Lord for His protection and providence for all the needs during the

first semester (June 1st - Sept. 22nd, 2013).

Thank you so much for all your continued prayers and financial supports for SEABC and my (Kap’s) family.


Thanksgiving Service:

All faculty members and students had a thanksgiving service at SEABC’s Chapel hall on Sept. 27th,

at 3:00pm-4:30pm. We all joyfully sang Hymns like “God Leads Us Along; He Leadeth Me.” And we all

memorized Psalm 23 together. Then 4 students shared about how the Lord has been leading them and providing

their spiritual and material needs throughout first semester. One student sang a thanksgiving song

which he composed and all the students were encouraged and greatly blessed.


SEABC’s Outreach Ministry:

The students body is divided into four groups such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There are 15 students in

each group. Each group is divided into two groups. Each group is doing Outreach ministry every Sunday after

worship service at Rail Stations, Yangon seaport, and some other market places. The students had distributed over 5000 Gospel tracts to over 5000 unbelievers shared about the Gospel to some non-Christians during first semester (June – Sept. 29, 2013).


Testimony of Mrs. Naw Eh Moe (a widow: 60 years old):

My name is Naw Eh Moe and has one son and one daughter. Both of them are married have children. I live in

Pyapon, Delta area. I was a nominal Christian and did not know where I would spend my eternity when I die. I trusted my good deeds to help me get to heaven, but my conscious reminded me that I could not do good things all

the times. Sometimes I did good things, sometimes I did bad things. Then I knew that my good deeds may not be good enough to help me get to heaven. But I did not know what to do for my life after death. By the grace of God, in last September, 2013, bro. Kap Do Nang (missionary in Pyapon) came to my house and share about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He clearly taught me that I was (all man kinds) are sinners by birth (Rom. 5:12; Ps. 51:5), have

committed sins and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23), and the wages of my sin is death (Rom. 6:23). My sin(s) separated me from the Holy God and I must go to hell when I die. BUT, the Good News is that God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to solve my sin(s) problem. Jesus came to the world and bore all my sins and died on the cross for me and said “It is finished” (John 19:30). He was buried, after three days He rose again from the death. When I realized that Jesus already paid the penalty of my sins, I prayed and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. As soon as I acted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord I have peace in my heart and have the assurance of salvation (John 3:18., Rev. 3:20; John 10:27-29). I now have the assurance of salvation by faith in Christ alone after 60 years of being a nominal Christian. Lord, thank you so much for your grace and mercy!


Testimony of Mrs. Khin Htwee

(40 years old)


My name is Mrs. Khin Htwee. My husband and I have one son and two daughters. I was a Buddhist and my husband is a so called Christian but could not tell me that he has the assurance of salvation after death till today. After I married with my husband, I loved to donate flowers and offer 1/10 of our incomes to the church. But I did

not want to sit at the worship service on Sunday. After fifteen years of living this way, I heard about the love of God through Mr. Kap Do Nang in last September, 2013. I realize that I was a sinner but God loved me so much and sent His son Jesus Christ to die for me. Jesus indeed died for me on the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. He rose

from the death because he is God (John 11:25). I repented of my sins and invited Jesus Christ into my heart to be my Savior and Lord. I am so happy now because I know that I have the eternal life and the assurance of salvation (John 3:16, 36., Eph. 1:13., 4:30). Please pray with me for the salvation of my husband and my three children, and for the growth of my spiritual life). Thank you so much!


Believer’s Bible Commentary

(OT in Burmese Language):

By the grace of God, many more students of SEABC got the BBC (OT). We are so thankful to our good Lord

for giving this precious commentary to our students through His people(s). This commentary has been a

wonderful blessing to all our students, many Christian workers and believers in Myanmar. Praise the Lord!


Please give thanks with us for:

1. the Lord’s protection and provision for the faculty members and students throughout first semester

(June 1st - Sept. 22, 2013).2. the spiritual growth of the students

Prayer Requests :(1) Please pray for the effectiveness of the teaching ministry of SEABC.

(2) for the Lord’s continuous protection and provisions

(3) for the effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach Ministry of SEABC faculty members and students

(4) for the 6th Biennial Graduation of SEABC to be held on Dec. 14, 2013(5) for a new Campus and new school building project

(6) to buy more Christian Books for SEABC’s Library

(7) faculty development (further studies)

For more info:

<seabcthang@gmail.com> OR nemcing@gmail.comThank you very much for all your continued prayers and financial supports for the Bible school and my family.

To God be the glory!

Your co-worker in the Lord’s Service,

Kap (Kap Cin Thang)


SEABC, Yangon


No. Subject Author Date
121 [선교편지][태국목장] 박수영선교사 admin 2014.07.18
120 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김형직선교사 admin 2014.06.29
119 [선교편지][도미니카목장] 이광호선교사 admin 2014.06.19
118 [선교편지][인디아목장] 어영선선교사 admin 2014.06.19
117 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김형직선교사 admin 2014.06.19
116 [선교편지][청두목장]박철준 선교사 admin 2014.06.19
115 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김성용선교사 admin 2014.06.19
114 [선교편지][나이지리아 목장] 이능성선교사 admin 2014.06.19
113 [선교편지][미얀마목장] KAP 선교사 admin 2014.05.18
112 [선교편지][과달라하라목장]추기성선교사 admin 2014.05.18
111 [선교편지][콜롬비아목장] 황신재선교사 admin 2014.05.18
110 [선교편지][코스타리카목장] 강성필선교사 admin 2014.05.18
109 [선교편지][인디아 목장]어영선 선교사 admin 2014.05.18
108 [선교편지][인도네시아목장] 박상준선교사 admin 2014.04.27
107 [선교편지][바쿠목장] 안은준선교사 admin 2014.04.27
106 [선교편지][인디아목장] 어영선선교사 admin 2014.04.09
105 [선교편지][나이로비목장] 강인중선교사 admin 2014.03.27
104 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김성용/조영희 선교사 admin 2014.03.27
103 [선교편지][선교위원회] 송호길 선교사 admin 2014.03.22
102 [선교편지][인도네시아 목장] 박상준 선교사 admin 2014.03.22


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Tel : 847-243-2511~3
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