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(Newsletter of South East Asia Bible College, Yangon, Myanmar) 

Dear valued praying partners, 

The Lord enabled us to hold Summer Bible Camp at SEA Bible College building from April 12-17, 2014. The Camp was attended by 170. Most of them are young people from different churches such as Canaan Gospel Church, Dala Church, Dagong Christian Church, Dagon Believers Church, Church from Hlaing-thayar and Mandalay. Salvation Class: We wanted each camper to make sure of his or her salvation. So, we the Camp leaders wrote down different faiths on the whiteboard – (1) Salvation by good works (2) Salvation by believing Jesus Christ + good works (3) Salvation by believing  Christ + Water baptism (4) Salvation by believing Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8). 15 of them believed that  Salvation by believing Jesus Christ and good works.

They said, “though we believe Jesus Christ, if we cannot Worship Service at SEABC (April 13, 2014) do good works in our Christian life or cannot keep Ten Commandments then we must go to hell when we die.” So, we had a Salvation Class especially for those 15 people in a separate room. After clearly and thoroughly explained them about the nature of Law, the nature of Sin, and the nature of the Savior again, they came to clearly understand that they are sinners by birth (Rom. 5:12-14; Ps. 51:5), have sinned  and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23), the penalty of his or her sin(s) is death (Rom. 6:23); and none of them can get salvation by his or her own efforts nor keeping Ten Commandments. Finally, they all realized that they need a Savior - Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for their sins, buried and rose again on the third day. When they all clearly understood the true message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, each one of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (Eph. 1:13., Rev. 3:20., John 1:12, 13., 3:16, 18, 36). They all now clearly understand that Salvation is only by Faith in Christ along (by grace). Praise the Lord! 

Christian Life Class: We had a Christian Life classroom especially for those who have the assurance of Salvation in the Chapel hall of SEA Bible College. This class was attended by around 90 believers. Camp

leaders taught discipleship courses, some doctrinal issues, etc.


 Child Evangelism & Children Programs: The children (5-14 yrs old) were divided into three groups.

Sister Susana Vung (CEF), Sister En Cing (CEF & Lecturer of SEABC), and some alumni (Young

Ladies) of SEA Bible College taught these three groups in three separate rooms. All of the children heard

about the truth of Salvation and some of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The SS teachers also taught them Sunday School songs, choruses, action songs, etc. and they all enjoyed very much. Sometimes they had Bible Games and memorizing Bible verses, drawing pictures, etc. We all gave thanks to the Lord for the powerful and effective teachings of our Sunday School teachers.

 Teaching Christian Songs: We had a special times for teaching Christian songs. Mostly, bro. Khai Pu (a lecturer of SEABC) taught some beautiful Christian songs. Many youths (believers) in Myanmar love to praise God by singing songs/hymns and their voices are very harmony and beautiful.

Please give thanks to the Lord with us for:-

- providing the needs and Enabling us to hold the Summer Bible Camp at SEA Bible College

- those new converts

- believers who graciously donated funds for the Camp

- all Campers and leaders, cooks. Etc.

Please pray with us for:-

- the spiritual growth of those new converts

- all Campers that they will continue to apply the truth they learned into their practical life

- that the Lord will enable us to hold Summer Bible Camp every year (to do His Great Commission)


Thank you so much for your powerful prayers especially for the Summer Bible Camp we held.

May the Lord continue to mightily use and abundantly bless you for His glory and Kingdom!

To God be the glory!




Serving together for CHRIST,


Kap (Kap Cin Thang)

Yangon, Myanmar 
No. Subject Author Date
121 [선교편지][태국목장] 박수영선교사 admin 2014.07.18
120 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김형직선교사 admin 2014.06.29
119 [선교편지][도미니카목장] 이광호선교사 admin 2014.06.19
118 [선교편지][인디아목장] 어영선선교사 admin 2014.06.19
117 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김형직선교사 admin 2014.06.19
116 [선교편지][청두목장]박철준 선교사 admin 2014.06.19
115 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김성용선교사 admin 2014.06.19
114 [선교편지][나이지리아 목장] 이능성선교사 admin 2014.06.19
» [선교편지][미얀마목장] KAP 선교사 admin 2014.05.18
112 [선교편지][과달라하라목장]추기성선교사 admin 2014.05.18
111 [선교편지][콜롬비아목장] 황신재선교사 admin 2014.05.18
110 [선교편지][코스타리카목장] 강성필선교사 admin 2014.05.18
109 [선교편지][인디아 목장]어영선 선교사 admin 2014.05.18
108 [선교편지][인도네시아목장] 박상준선교사 admin 2014.04.27
107 [선교편지][바쿠목장] 안은준선교사 admin 2014.04.27
106 [선교편지][인디아목장] 어영선선교사 admin 2014.04.09
105 [선교편지][나이로비목장] 강인중선교사 admin 2014.03.27
104 [선교편지][선교위원회] 김성용/조영희 선교사 admin 2014.03.27
103 [선교편지][선교위원회] 송호길 선교사 admin 2014.03.22
102 [선교편지][인도네시아 목장] 박상준 선교사 admin 2014.03.22


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